The last few years have brought both challenge and change for DevShree Group. We adopted a corporate structure that allows us to be a more competitive business and market player. The ongoing economic and social changes have required the focused attention of all our employees to improve performance and position us for success no matter what kind of markets we encounter. We’ve made excellent progress, but we have more to do. We will continue to take decisive action to strengthen and grow our group in a sustainable way. As we instantly navigate the short-term challenges, we will not lose sight of our long-term vision to manage to deliver superior sustainable solutions to the world.

This website shall be the window through which we t share our news and key business performances with you. We want to use this information tool to show you how our products are moving in the markets, how we are expanding and refining our operations and how we continue to attract committed, passionate employees who want to help us achieve our goals.

The diversity, commitment and expertise of our employees, working interactively with our clients, project suppliers and service partners, inspire our vision:

We will continually strive to:

1. Increase Employee Independence and Self-Sufficiency
2. Provide Quality Corporate Social Services
3. Implement Proven Quality & Management Practices
4. Improve our product
5. Create Opportunities for Partnerships

We firmly seek to strike the right balance between profits and principles. We will take courageous stands and we will continue to be active on behalf of issues such as environmental sustainability, equality and corporate social responsibilities Here, I would like to convey a message of appreciation to our board of directors, employees, funding sources, community supporters and stakeholders, who are dedicated to DevShree Group which remains a beacon of light in the community.

This recognition reflects our commitment to doing what it takes to reach the always rising bar for sustainability performance within the regional and international markets.

Our people will continue to be the driving force behind our success and growth

At last my Moto in life gives me immense power and motivation to fight for anything.

				 Swami Vivekanand  
Inder Garg